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International Conference on Drug Design and Discovery for Developing Countries - Trieste, Italy, 3 to 5 -2008
I- 8 - Building a new model for pharmaceuticals -P-MAPA- a novel
immunomodulator against virus, bacterial, and protozoan infections
Brazil - p-85
Farmabrasilis- a non-governmental, non-profit research network
The discovery and development of pharmaceuticals is a high-risk, long-maturation endeavour requiring the participation of many groups and research institutions.
This process can be facilitated by the existence of a social and economic environment that stimulates the creation of technology-based products by offering an economic reward for the usefulness and novelty created.
Such is the case in developed countries, where the pharmaceutical industry is one of the most important if not the most important type of organization mobilizing scientific, material and human resources for long-term projects of medicine research and development.
In this social model, molecules and active principles developed by the industry itself or acquired from third parties, after a long process of development, are transformed into medicines and made available for consumption through market mechanisms
Such entrepreneurial agents and the incentive mechanisms associated with these economic environments are often absent in developing countries, as their pharmaceutical industry is often directed toward importing medicines or producing copies of products from developed countries
Human and material resources that could allow the creation of medicines exist in universities and research centers in developing countries. However, they are dispersed, and seldom organize themselves for multidisciplinary, long-term projects such as the research and development of pharmaceuticals
In order to overcome this gap and evolve its projects, Farmabrasilis, a non-profit research network congregating Brazilian, Chilean, American, and European scientists(www.farmabrasilis.org.br) based in Brazil, is bent on building a pharmaceutical research and development environment, unique in South America.
This environment has been created and is maintained by the interaction and teamwork of researchers, scientists, volunteers and organizations from the civil society, pooled around Farmabrasilis in long-term projects for the development of medicines for the benefit of excluded populations
The results are now being delivered to the public in the form of a range of medicaments and technologies: P-MAPA, a state-of-the-art imunomodulator for infectious diseases and other important medicaments now in an advanced stage of research.
Farmabrasilis in collaboration with individuals and groups around the world is now preparing to make available the P-MAPA immunomodulator to combat infectious diseases, caused by intracellular pathogens, particularly in poor countries, where the problem is compounded by the spread of HIV-AIDS.
Its already passed all pre-clinical studies a s well as Phase I clinical trials. Experiments in animal models and preliminary clinical trials in humans have shown that P-MAPA is able to reestablish the immunocompetence when the immune system is impaired by infectious diseases and cancer.
If this is borne out by Phase II and Phase III clinical trials, this medicament is expected to have an extensive impact on the treatment of infectious diseases in populations of whole countries.
Farmabrasili´s product licensing policy includes the possibility of royalty-exempt transference of technology to public or autonomous local production centers in the case of neglected diseases and poor populations ".
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